Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Reaper rant 01.03.217

Reaper rant 01.03.217

I’m a bit biased and rightly so, the same holds true for anyone judging a competition. The other day I was participating, in order to entertain, win and spread the word. Be yourself try cosplay, however that idea was shot down rather rudely by the most cringe worthy statement I’ve heard. “If anime was a real characters, she is that person”. Apparently she looked enough like an anime doll to win. Which is fair enough if not for the overly focus on body type and being a look alike. To me, hair color, body shape and skin tone should have no bearing on a fair judgment.
“Judge not a person by the color of his skin, but the content of his character” Martin Luther King.

That being said I’m quite certain I had the best performance on stage, copying the animations and the mannerism of Reaper. Despite my very hammy and successful effort, the girl with the giant scythe won. Yes using a giant implement like that is impressive and I know for a fact it is heavy. Since I’m the one whom made most of the thing. While the Lovely participant did the paint job.
However I have a sneaking suspicion that the judges liked her the most due to being an anime character, they had some familiarity with. Unlike my perfectly sensible Reaper performance.

Other than this little rant of mine. I had a great time and have been having two good consecutive days of streaming, where I have been spending a lot of time screwing straps and working out more sensible ways to attach armor pieces. On top of that I made three grenades, I converted from cinnamon bottles. Which I added a handle to, at a later point I will consider painting it as well. The bandolier on the left side is quite tricky indeed. Since I now have to add another belt to the side, which the graphics artist decided to add several studs to, amongst other details. To keep the ordinance in place, I employed several layers of plastic, covered in duct tape and held in place with glue and screws.

A rather rude and nasty troll did drop by. But as usual I made a mockery of him and reported the fool.


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