from boots to belts is a daunting task indeed. I’ve been a tad out
of the game lately due to game reviewing. However now I’m back in
the saddle again. It feels great, I even made a new follow today,
despite a wonky start with missing frames on the stream.
and buckles are very complicated to recreate based on the in game 3d
model of Reaper. One set seems to be intended as way to keep the
grenades on the side and his trousers in place. The other one is a
bandoleer with seven grenade shells I presume. They are going to be
quite tricky to make and makes absolutely no sense. They does not fit
hos weapons, which makes them useless. Not to mention that Reaper
never reloads. The third one is purely studded and edgy decoration.
On the side he also carries three grenades. The chrome dome shells
with be made with cardboard tubes. For the warhead mantle I’m not
entirely sure. I’ve been toying with the idea of using two layers
of foam and give the rotary tool a spin. Slowly molding it into

For the
second belt I had to cut out two strips of foam which I united on the
middle, with a plastic to stiffen the gap and reinforce with fabric
to keep it secure. The belt itself goes through a gap in a triangular
shape, placed over the butt area. A nifty trick to keep the grenade
belt in place. On one side there is another buckle of sorts which
sandwiches the two belts. The buckle is slightly differently made,
due to being much more ornate and smaller. With I secured with
plastic and pieces of wood. On the back I plan on placing a strap
buckle to keep it in place. Since I can’t just slide two pieces of
foam into a gap and expect them to stay there.
#reaper #blackwatch #overwatch #cosplay #foam #costume #belt
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