Monday, May 25, 2020

Toxic media and representation

You claim you want diversity, you claim you want strong female characters and you claim you want representation. Yet why is Avatar and the Dragon Prince the most inclusive shows out there? Seriously for as much as the toxic media, Disney and various Twitter activists seems to ignore the existence of what they seek, thus shooting themselves in the foot and making people hate them.

Lets rip into everyone favorite poster boy for failure. The new Star Wars trilogy misses all the marks of success by miles. The ex stromtrooper Finn, and the character of Rose Tiko are for all intent and purposes diversity hires, which are supposed to represent minorities in USA. That is well and all, but they’re relegated to side characters and pretty much gets written out of the plot. This is in spite of being much more interesting than the rest of the cast. Rey is female and a main character that we all can agree on, sure she covers the female representation. But her character is as flat as a brick and is just very boring. Did I mention that her actor is white, so already there they failed in being progressive. This series was an excellent opportunity to give a minority actor a more prominent role and agency in the story. Then there is the fact that the movies are directed by white men, which was another wasted opportunity. Though the biggest shame is that both Rian and Abrams sucks at their cushy well paid jobs.

The Last Jedi is promoted as the second coming of Christ by the shill media. Whom will gladly scoff and look down on Alita: Battle Angel. An excellent movie adaptation of a fantastic media series, where the main heroine is represented by a Latino actress.

The media outlets that kisses the bum of Hollywood companies is not helping very much. These schizophrenic entities made of shrill voices that loves to post opinions on various pages, will gladly ignore good characters, brilliant shows, and many most media that actually does what they preach. Every now and then they will gladly post two opposing opinions on the same site. In all honesty I just think they thrive on the negativity, more than a fair representation and promoting positive messages. I can only assume this has to do with opinion pieces selling clicks, outrage driving traffic, and most of the journalist being activist. As in they have loud opinions and demand change, but does not have the mental fortitude do proper investigations, or actually do a fair take. Keep in mind this is a stream of thought from my perspective.

There exist multi cultural heroes in all of the media produced in USA, so let’s look at some of the stuff they conveniently gloss over, for the sake of opinions and censorship. Blade is a black hero, a vampire killer and has several movies behind him. Hancock is an example of a black super hero, sure the movie is a bit of a deconstruction of the genre in general, but if anyone dispute the color of Will Smith, they’re utterly bonkers, or colorblind. The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina the Teenage Witch is a fairly recent series on Netflix, that is also very diverse, a bit progressive, a bit preachy some might say. However it is entertaining and got interesting characters, so they are clearly doing something right. Heck, Black Lightning is a super hero series with many colorful characters. Did I mention Luke Cage, well I suppose I just did.

When it comes to comics, well the applauded Captain Marvel was brown at one point, now she is white and blonde. Then there is the sadly neglected Blue Beetle, whom had a short lived comic and showed up on The Brave and the Bold. Oh, oh, Storm from X-men, you know the one that can call down the thunder and blow anyone away with a typhoon. I suppose Mystique count as well, seeing as she is blue and can be anyone. Yes there exist more but I generally do not reed many super hero comics. They’re like Donald Duck here in Norway. Too many comics with incoherent plot-lines and a backlog of multiple decades.

On the other side of the world in the land of the rising sun they’re actually a lot more diverse in every sense of the word compared to western media. Which means mainly mainly companies from USA. Sailor Moon is a great series, even if the transformation sequences went on for far too long. The show actually had romantically involved male villains, a lesbian couple that actually adopts a child, and female protagonists. Not that you would know this, due to censorship in the American dub. Kissing cousins is so much more moral guardian friendly after all. I could go on and on, but the fact that boy love is a genre, says more than enough about the selection out there. Once you find a fan translation, or learn to read Japanese. Pat labor, Dirty Pair, and Ghost in the Shell, covers a fair bit of this as well, on top of being very good.

Games got a lot of female protagonists, heroes and villains as well. However the toxic media cant take their eyes of a big set of tits. Lara Croft is a very good example of this, sure she is fit and very attractive, but she is anything but a helpless damsel in distress. She, shoots, loots, and kill all across the globe. There is also Samus Aran whom wear a full environmentally sealed armor and is in fact a woman. It came as a surprise for most people back in the day, yet people kept coming back for more. Mostly because it was well made and fun. A thing toxic activists is wholeheartedly against. It is hard to hold on to an ideology with so many great distractions to go around. Pretty much any mmorpg under the sun lets the player be male or female and they’re pretty much equal in every regard. Some exceptions occurs when it comes to gender exclusive races. Other than that a great deal of videogame characters is anything but a human, so the whole gender, race and sexual orientation seldom comes into play. Kirby is a pink, plump blob that eats things in Dreamland for example.

Lastly I have to mention some kick arse films out there with strong women and we did not care, because the movies in question is actually good. Such as Alien, Aliens, the third movie and resurrection. Terminator 1 and 2 counts as well, seriously Sigourney Weaver knows how to kick ass and take names. Alita which I mention earlier and I can’t complain too much about the Tomb raider adaptations. There are more, but I’ve gone on for far too long already.

But one final point, I love a good and interesting female protagonist and I'm so glad they're becoming more and more common and ignoring this fact is a gave mistake.

Zaceron Signing out

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