Thursday, May 7, 2020

Entitlement and Random Rambling

This is a free flow train of thoughs written early in the morning, you have been warned,
Are fans entitled? Hell yes! The same goes for authors whom loathe criticism with a fiery passion. This is a very human way to react, However many creators take it way too far and end up alienating wievers of every age demographic. When said creative individuals used an excessive amount of resources to call out critics and dissenters, that is where I begin to question their sanity. We've all been there where someone trigger us into reacting with anger and vitriol, but in most cases they just miss the point entirely. In my experience, pretty much everyone making reviews and critiques a product online through YouTube, are very down to earth, honest and a little bit sarcastic. It usually comes from a place of love and most of us just want better product. Or want the product to be the best it can be.
In my experience it is easier to physically or verbally attack opposition, when the sane option is to step back and de-escalate the situation. Most people unfortunately stays and fight. Personally there are a lot of times I want to fight and to hurt terrible people, but that is seldom the right option. Unless it is a school bully, they deserve a good kick in the buttocks anime style.
My ramblings and internal musing just made me realize I'm preaching to the choir. Many high profile creators are bat guano insane, self destructive, and extremely insecure. Take the caro show that is twitter, many writers clearly lives in a alternate reality and got anger issues, spruced up with quite a lot of narcissism.
Rambling aside. As a fan of a franchise such as starwars I greatly enjoyed the three first movies. The next three ones notes much, but I still watched them through and JarJar was an okay character. Then the new trilogy came around and it is utter rubbish. Take the Hollywood director Rian for example, he clearly has no clue how to expand an existing universe, nor can he handle criticism, and he is clearly high on himself. However if you have the gall to critique his botched baby, deranged people will come crawling out of the woodwork to support the man.
Don't worship heroes, false idols and people with power, they're just humans after all. However as in most things popularity attracts fanatics, people whom will die for the cause. Be it Starwars, or the bible. These folk can't handle questions and contradictions.
I guess what I'm trying to get at is this. When I pay for a product, I want quality and consistency. Which is reasonable and there is nothing wrong about that. Especially if improvements leads to more sales, which increases the chance for a sequel, then only a madman would reject that idea. Yet big business companies will gladly push out a half baked cake and wonder why no one like their product.
Zaceron Signing out

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