Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Relax you can make it easy

Difficulty selection in games is something I have gone one about before and will do once more. Yahtzee of zero punctuation fame has a show they call mostly civil war. A show where they pitch two game related opinions against each other. One of the topics was: Should a game l like dark a doula have a difficulty setting.
It is bit silly to ask if the game should have just that for a very simple reason. Prettymuch every From  software product has a setting. Sure it's not labeled easy, normal, and hard. Regardless of what it is labeled, the choice is there. Dark souls got so many options for places to go, hidden loot to find, and play styles. Combine this with grinding and the ability to min max stats and voila, there is your difficulty setting.
I have never had a more easy time  in dark souls than when I used soul arrows, these clunky and chunky boys are slow and has a terrible firing arch. But they will eat through most bosses in seconds, connecting a grand souls arrow with a boss is very satisfying and stupidly easy. Compare this to running up and slicing the enemy with a dingy sword, or to turn them into a pin cushion with bow and arrow. It is a cakewalk, hell the first boss can be bested with the dark fire bombs that can be picked from the start menu. Not to mention that the various presets in the character creation menu got various starting stats.
Like I stated earlier, there are plenty of places to grind, which makes it very easy to boost the stats to heck and back. Combine this with a proper build and suddenly I become a walking tank that shrugs off most damage and blocks the rest with a shield. Senior is an entirely different beast, but ultimately it also has a difficulty slider, which goes from hard, to holy hell this is bull carp. Once you find it that is, however the game is very hard in and is very unforgiving in the first place, with little room to make it easier outside of a trainer. One of those handy, dandy mister anitifun applications that makes and breaks the game.
Armoured core, one of those titles most people have forgotten these days, got customization up to the gills. Which is just another way to adjust the difficulty by design and choice. So there you go, a messy and a bit roundabout way to explain the fact that the choice to ake it easier is there. It is just a bit more hidden and quite possibly more inaccessible.
Also check out my original monthly updatesd story here. I really need to get myself an editor, got anyone to recommend

Zaceron signing out

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