Thursday, May 21, 2020


Let's face it Hollywood kinda sucks and a lot of the directors, producers, actors and writers are egotistical pricks. As evident with the movie "the Room" and its enigmatic director, that also act in said film. Not to mention Uwe Boll, the blowhard German boxer responsible for a so bad it's good game adaptations of movies. Which brings me to today's fine to death topic. Movie adaptations and the problems they all suffer from.
A generic Hollywood story approach to action is very formulaic, full of cliche and exceptionally bad writing. Which is why these movies almost never win any rewards and so many of them exist. Heck, they go under name popcornflicks and it ultimately very forgettable, full of action and ends up with the hero getting badly injured. Said main character will also very likely have a love interest and be exceptionally skilled at surviving explosions.
The thing though is that these movies are seldom based on an existing work and they're usually stuck at a highly specific length. Now, if a book is being adapted a two hour movie is way too short to do the original work justice. Essentially everything deemed non important to the plot has to go. Like characterization, we can't give the girl too much agency. Yes, especially women and side characters will get the shaft, or become a damsel in distress.
These script writers also got the uncanny ability to ignore most of the source material. Some goes as far as never reseaching it in the first place. Yes I'm looking at you Rian and the terrible ignorant behaviour relating to Starwars. In fact he is the poster boy for this attitude, sincw he succeeded in making a worse movie than the holiday special. A bit sad really, because Looper was fairly well made, but is ultimately a predictable movie.
A very relevant example is Max Payne, the game that made slow motion gunplay a main stay in action games. It's a noir detective plot, with a moody atmosphere and flowery dialogue. Sounds like a perfect fit for a movie, right? For all inventive purposes it is that, but what we got was not that.
The Max Payne movie is a slow and droll flick with some slow here and one gun fight. They even made the opening sequence uninteresting and went hard on the valkyrie drug effects instead. I'm fairly confident that you can make a fairly fun and simple movie based around Max murdering goons for sixty minutes, same with Doom. Ironically enough the best movie that could have been a game I've seen, is Shotem Up. Where even the sex scene is a shootout.
As a side note, there does indeed exist a couple of Doom novels. I guess the producer never heard of those. Personally I'd get a better movie experience out of watching a long play on YouTube. It also got a much better production quality.
To actually bring some more examples to the table. Captain N the game master so comically exemplifies my point of wiev. The man behind the show did not even play the games he appropriated characters from. Samus is no where to be seen, yet Mother Brain is there as the villain along with Wiley. Megaman was painted green, said mega a lot and looked like a misshapen gnome, instead of a blue eyed boy bot.
Yes, the list is long and I could make it even longer, but in the end I do believe that it's mostly lazy directors, with a big ego that is to blame for these movie abortions.
I suppose I should end on a positive note and not just Sonic, starring Jim Carry as Robotnik. There exist a Phoenix Wright movie and its actually quite good and follows the source material. Then again Takashi Miike seems to actually care about his art.
Zaceron Signing out

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