Thursday, February 23, 2017

I see a red door 23.02.2017

I’m totally not an arms dealer, it’s cosplay I swear. Never mind the fact that I’ve been crafting seven grenade rounds. It’s a really powerful weapons against living things. That being said, they are a bit of a toss to make. The base is a cardboard cylinder wrapped in a transparent sheet with chrome dome on top. But I already went over that last entry. However this time around I added several layers of red paint and more layers of silver chrome as well. For the most part it turned out fantastic, just fabulous. Another thing I did a lot of was to paint everything with glue. Adhesive priming is key to a better texture result after all. Other than that I used up every last drop of black paint in the tube, to fix the shotguns. The hardest part I had to deal with was the belt buckle. Which is a this point held in place with a nut and a bolt. That one will cause some real trouble later, I’m quite sure of it. Should be it for now, I’ll make a video of the shells at a later point.


#cosplay #foam #reaper #overwatch #blackwatch

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Maka Scythe- Black Monday 21.02.2017

Makas scythe from Soul Eater

The club I’m running is still here and it is a fantastic club indeed, with many lovely and dedicated members whom are brimming with energy. Unraveled skill and fantastic ideas that’s being created on our cozy loft and at home. This weekend a lan party takes place, one that also holds a cosplay competition, That I Zaceron plan to attend. In order to take pictures of

Anyhow back to the business at hand. The scythe is almost to meter tall and one meter wide, with a quite big arching blade. Painted in shiny silver, glossy red and a dull black color. The blade itself is made from a piece of plywood sealed with layres, upon layers of glue. I guess a good polishing tool would be useful for removing the wood pattern. Unfortunately we have no such thing.

The pole is made of wood, with a slot cut into it to insert the blade. Held in place with several screws, hidden by a cylinder. Which was a real nightmare to make. Warping foam around a round shape and gluing it in place is not an easy task. But I eventually succeeded. My every so lovely student did most of the job. I just helped her to assemble it.

Dumpster diving and a hardware store was key do accomplish this project. As the nearby theater was thrwing out materials used for set pieces. Such as many pieces of plywood. I took several pieces under my arm and dragged them all they way up to the clubhouse. It was well worth it. I do realize that I could probably have asked for helt to carry more loot.

The eyes on the side is just a piece of foam curved and glued on, with the illusion of an eye painted on top. Meanwhile the screw at the top is just foam.

#zaceron #black #cosplay #witchking #astrid

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


 I've been a bit under the weather lately. However I feel much better now. Even if my hand is screwed up. Along with a decades old soccer damage to my foot. Regardless of this though I carry on.
Lately I've made more videos, streamed some Darkest Dungeon and will do so much more and a couple of other games as well on a weekly basis.
Aside from some minor setbacks I'm back and I've made a lot of progress when it comes to the grenade launcher rounds Reaper carry in his bandoleer. He carry seven of these shells with a chrome dome on top. These I've decided to make from cardboard tubes, I got from those large toilet paper rolls. The kind that is usually used in schools and university. My attempt thus far is to cover them in shiny plastic film. Add a ribbon on top, followed by two layers of foam glued together. Which I pruned with a knife, until I achieved a round shape. After that I gave the rotary tool a spin to even it out. Applied some heath to remove a couple of imperfections. Glue was then applied to the surface to seal the deal. A good surface treatment causes the paint on top to have a much smoother finish.

A bit later I tried to paint them with some chrome gray and metallic red. The red spray suck donkey balls, not to mention that they both smell awful. In all likely hood they are probably toxic as heck for the body. Some fire was used to manipulate the drying and getting rid of the smell. It was mostly successful, mostly. It was great fun to ignite the spray though.

As for my schedule for the rest of the week.

Wednesday will be business as usual.

Thursday will be spent in a project meeting and getting an x-ray taken

Friday is dinner with my father. Will in all likely hood stream a game later.

The weekend will be spent in town, working on a larp event, called the nordic sorcerer academy. It's
great fun and totally not inspired by Harry Potter.
Zaceroun Out!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017



Going from boots to belts is a daunting task indeed. I’ve been a tad out of the game lately due to game reviewing. However now I’m back in the saddle again. It feels great, I even made a new follow today, despite a wonky start with missing frames on the stream.

Belts and buckles are very complicated to recreate based on the in game 3d model of Reaper. One set seems to be intended as way to keep the grenades on the side and his trousers in place. The other one is a bandoleer with seven grenade shells I presume. They are going to be quite tricky to make and makes absolutely no sense. They does not fit hos weapons, which makes them useless. Not to mention that Reaper never reloads. The third one is purely studded and edgy decoration. On the side he also carries three grenades. The chrome dome shells with be made with cardboard tubes. For the warhead mantle I’m not entirely sure. I’ve been toying with the idea of using two layers of foam and give the rotary tool a spin. Slowly molding it into shape.

Clip on buckles glued on the foam and hidden by a buckle shaped box, seems to do the trick, when it came to the first belt. The Buckle is just a long piece of foam bent into shape with a pattern cut into it. On the back I joined the two edges with glue and some more fabric. The concept is quite simple. Clip the two pieces together and slide the buckle over. 

For the second belt I had to cut out two strips of foam which I united on the middle, with a plastic to stiffen the gap and reinforce with fabric to keep it secure. The belt itself goes through a gap in a triangular shape, placed over the butt area. A nifty trick to keep the grenade belt in place. On one side there is another buckle of sorts which sandwiches the two belts. The buckle is slightly differently made, due to being much more ornate and smaller. With I secured with plastic and pieces of wood. On the back I plan on placing a strap buckle to keep it in place. Since I can’t just slide two pieces of foam into a gap and expect them to stay there.  

#reaper #blackwatch #overwatch #cosplay #foam #costume #belt
