Thursday, March 12, 2020

Langrisser 1 & 2

Langrisser is an interesting game series that takes place in a generic fantasy kitchen sink. What do I mean by this? Well, every hero on either side of the conflict between light and dark wears impractical shoulder pads and armour that protect very little, if anything. Combine that with an interesting selection of outlandish units. Like faeries, angels, zombies, slimes and everything else I could expect from this world. Killing the evil power hungry emperor, that invaded the peaceful kingdom of the protagonists with a swarm of pixies is fun though.

It seems like a hentai artist designed the characters, so that might explain the exposed midriff.

Apparently the holy sword Langrisser more or less means lung ripper in German, or so I'm told. Which brings up another fantasy trope, German sounding names that may, or may not be made up gibberish. The leather z and f is very exotic in Japan after all. I can't fault them for that though, nor should you. For some reason fanatical anime fans are very hung up on name accuracy, despite it being a one way street.

Anyhow, the game is about turn based be series where each hero hire several mercenaries to fight for them. Each of these units gets a solid stat boost by being within range of the unit commander.

What really sets the series apart is choice and the various endings. My most satisfying moment in gaming history is to ditch the bland and boring heroes to join the evil empire, that want peace through power, by colluding with the forces of darkness., then betray them and join the overlord, only to backstab him as well, then fight the goddess of light, like a true magnificent bastard. I laughed long and hard about it.

It's refreshing to actually play a properly translated version of the game, I'm not very good at Japanese and aside from Warsong no other product in the series has been released across the sea. The mobile game is not quite the same experience, in fact it is a bit rubbish, even if it expands the characters a bit through excessive grinding and gifting.

The one bad thing about Langrisser is the AI, it's pretty much only capable of mindlessly attacking with its units, regardless of outcome. Sure the officers uses spells here and there, but that does not stop them from tossing men into the meat grinder. The imperial guard would be proud. Get it on steam today, the package includes the first two games in all its glory.

And in case you wonder, the soundtrack dlc adds more ingame music type options. Because the game comes with both chip tune and hair metal versions of the tracks.

For my monthly updated fantasy story, have a look see over here. Can anyone direct me towards a good proof reader?

Zaceron signing out!

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