A chainsaw is
wonderful tool to prune trees, take care of lumber and the occasional
dismemberment. Something a collections of developers have embraced
wholeheartedly. Much to my great annoyance. That said, some serious
spoilers ahead if an enemy encounter can be considered that. It all
started around Resident Evil 4, the game that takes place in not
Spain, within the wacky world of Bio Hazard. One of the most beefy,
irritating and dangerous enemies to contend with in the game is a
man, just a man with a bag on his head. A pesky peasant welding a
chainsaw, one that can instantly decapitate Leon if it gets too
close. Of all the weak spots an enemy can have, you’d think that
the chainsaw would be a major weakness, since it’s a flimsy tool
that is prone to clogging, having the chain snap and running out of
gas. Yes he can take a lot of bullets to the head, but honestly the
chainsaw should really be Dr. Salvadors greatest weakness, a couple
of bullets into that machine and it should go bust. But no, that is
not how it works the chainsaw is indestructible and cant even be used
by the player. To add salt to the wound, there are several other such
enemies throughout the game, such as the giant one with a burning
chainsaw in the mercenary mode. These fiends are essentially
minibosses that takes a serious beating and can pretty much only do
one thing and that is if they catch up to you.
Come to think of it,
the madness probably started around the Dead Rising series. Which
takes place in a location where such a tool is easy to find. Or was
it gears of war with it’s chainsaw bayonett that inspired a bunch
of these games to have such enemies.
Resident Evil 5 have
some chainsaw foes as well, as the Resident Evil 6 if I recall
correctly. Where they are just as annoying, one track minded and
deadly. Regardless the madness of the control scheme, limited ammo
and all of that jazz, it does not end there. Because the director
went to make the otherwise excellent Evil Within 1 and 2. Survival
horror games with yet another instance of instant death chainsaw
minibosses, coming to murder you in a small corridor, while being
interrupted by infected zombie like enemies. I never found it scary,
I never found them fun, or interesting. I see them as a major
irritation that causes more frustration than fear.
Zaceron signing out!