Friday, August 24, 2018

Game concept ideas

Three random game ideas I share for free, since I will never use them and most game developers simply scoff at these ideas, yet they have merits. One thing in quite capable of is to make a sensible setting. Enjoy.

Men turns into monsters and in the beginning everyone has cellular phones with power. Which keeps dying one by one, as the batteries runs dry. The protagonist has an app that tracks nearby signals as dots on a radar. Thus the difficulty ramps up every day, when a phone dies. Which also makes it an integral part of finding survivors, since they would quite much like to keep their phones charged. To throw players for a loop, include a monster that holds a charge, that shows up on the sensor.

A reality show that covers an apocalyptic scenario. Picture this; USA had a catastrophe of biblical proportions, one disaster so bad that most of the country behind its protective border wall is now a desolate wasteland. The clue however is that the rest of the world and the continent is just fine. The American survivors only think the world has ended. Thusly it was a joint Medici project that decided to keep them in the shadows, while capitalizing on their predicament. By having invisible drones and cameras all over. It's the one unscripted reality show, where anything can happen, as man struggle to survive in the world that's left behind. A glorious idea indeed.

Lastly a driving simulator to teach car handling and traffic scenario. It takes place in a tranquil street with an intersection and various scenarios. The clue however is that it uses as many realistic physics as possible. Such as deformation of the vehicle and rag doll reactions. I simply love how it feels to drive in Gran Turismo, but I hate the bumper car feel whenever I hit something. The idea is to teach responsibility, careful driving and consequences in a controlled scenario, whilst giving the player the ability to have fun.

Something most educational games fails to do. There are only two such game series I recall that ever succeeded at this venue. Typing of the dead, where each enemy has a word in front and when that word is typed correctly the zombie die.

The other game is Oregon Trail, where you to travel across America in a oxen pulled wagon, with the family along for the ride.

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