Practical plans, probable plans, perfect plans being planned and practiced. I could probably put in more phrases that starts with p, but m I've had my fun.
Essentially I'm a man with a plan, several in fact, thus I feel that I must inform whom ever follows me about them. It feels ingenious to not to that.
Firstly I'm dabbling with archery, since I at long last got my replacement arrows. I have a fairly decent long bow, that's just about powerful enough to hit a target about 50 meters away, which depends entirely on my technique and strenght. So far I miss a lot and you're more than welcome to follow my process on YouTube. After all I do try to record every session. I also use it as a tool to practice editing, manual focus and setting up cinematic shots. If nothing else I can hit the broadside of a barn and fire one arrow roughly every three seconds it seems.
However my target leaves a lot to be desired, not to mention the arrow eating environment surrounding the straw bunt. Because that is exactly what it is, long grass I got from the other side of the road, I wrapped in rope and twisted into a spiral.

Thirdly I will make myself a red mage costume. The most awesome looking and possible most iconic Final Fantasy archetype out there. Dressed in red, with a snazzy feathered hat, wielding both rapier and wand with ease. The style will also fit within the parameters set by a larp I'm participating in. Where I will be the ghost of a dead 1800 Swedish noble.

My forth plan is to finish Wu Kong, yes I'm still working on it and just finished the tail. Which I hand knitted from furry brown yarn and forced a metal wire into. As usual I find much of the minor materials online, since I live far from town and very few of any local business within Norway sells what I seek.

My fifth plan is to write a book that takes place within a game I've designed and one that covers the eventsn of a magical school. Instead of it being from the angle of a starry eyed students, it will be seen from a teachers perspective. Not even I know how the plot will go, but I have started to write it. Which is by far more healthy than skimming the internet all day. Plus it gives me a break from my enthusiastic way of absorbing games all day and is by far better than YouTube drama.
A sixth plan is taking shape as well. I will compose a song about a conspiracy. But that is all the details I will divulge.
As usual I have a perverted patron for more lewd works of art and if you need anything drawn, be it a fantasy, twitch panels, a logo or a thumb nail. Just give me a heads up, I'm a professional artist after all.
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