Resident Evil rant
Recently I decided
to play through pretty much every main title resident evil game at
least one time on stream. So major and minor spoilers ahead, where I
talk about ups and downs about the lot of them. Though spoiling a b
movie schlock game plot is very hard regardless, it all ends with a
boss fight and selfdestruct.
As far as Resident
Evil game goes Zero added a lot of brilliant features and some
excellent graphic design and raised a whole bunch of new questions.
The game follows Rebecca Chambers a highly skilled and very young
genius chemist, that apparently graduated early and became employed
by a special force police squad. Then there is Billy an escaped
convict she comes across in the forest after the special forces
helicopter is shot down. The rest is a serious of improbable events,
a lavish that crashes train, then more bosses and cramped corridors
than I can shake a fist at. The brilliant new feature is having to
individual characters to switch between, then the ability to drop
items on the floor, instead of discarding them or running back to an
item box. Which really do make inventory management a lot more
manageable and sensible. If I look away from any weapons but the
knife and pistols taking up two squares of inventory space. Then
there is the extra mode, where you can play as a super powered Wesker
with the voice of Billy and a mode where you clean out the mansion
and stuff the inventory full of leech charms that cant be dropped. A
bit droll, but not a bad mode, unless I consider the most irritating
aspects of the game. Hunters are absolutely the worst thing ever.
These insufferable gits are fast, deadly, very hard to dodge and
should they ever get close enough they’ll stun lock me to death. On
top of that they are often placed where the only way to really stop
them is to fire the grenade launcher the moment I enter the room. So
the first time around this is the most likely way a player die. Run
into room, get stuck in corner and shredded into ribbons, the game is
also a bit ammo stingy. Other than that I found it an okay
experience, even if I had rage quite a lot. The moon logic of the
puzzles are a mediocre challenge, considering how many of them there
are in Resident Evil Zero, apparently Umbrella used the escape room
logic to train promising candidates.
Resident Evil HD,
the remake game of the first title is not that bad of a game, getting
through the mansion can be a bit tricky and writing notes on a map
really helps to cut down the confusion and the puzzles are not that
insane. They make no sense in the practical sense of the word and
does not explain how people actually navigated the place while it was
still functional and how Chris got captured in the first place,
unless you play as Chris, since there are two independent scenarios
with no overlap what so ever and slight variations on events. Jill is
easy mode and Barry shows up all over the place to help her out. At
one point I had around 10 first aid sprays at hand. I can only assume
Wesker the villain can phase through walls or has a teleportation
device. Because I can not fathom how he got any where inside there as
well. Then again how Rebecca chamber navigated the complex itself
without any weapons but can of mace is never answered. Technically
she should be more heavily armed than Chris Redfield at this point
and when I consider how many pesky hunters I have murdered in Zero
she should be unfazed by them at this point. That and she clearly
knows that Wesker is a bad man and that Umbrella is guilty of this
whole mess. The biggest letdown is that the voice-acting and the
cheesy intro video is gone. The bosses are very easy and aside from
being eaten by a shark, crushed by a boulder and decapitated by a
hunter the experience itself was fun but flawed.
The Resident Evil 2
remake is a lesson in both good, bad and annoying the hell out of me
design. Most of that has to do with stupidly long animations when
grabbed or when getting killed, because they cant be skipped. Not to
mention that the pesky zombies have the ability to instant one eighty
lock-on grab. Sure they learned the lesson and that is to not have
any quick time animations what so ever. Which is very good and the
map highlights pickups and puzzle locations once interacted with. Mr.
X is now a permanent fixture as well and as annoying as ever before,
especially in tight corridors with no place to dodge and almost no
ammo. Unless you count jabbing a knife in a zombies throat, feeding
it a grenade or walking backwards as it lounges as using ammo. No
wonder the speed run strategy is to stagger with headshot then
bypass. I’m quite amazed that the game can be completed in under to
hours though. Consider how very boring the sewers are and how much
back and forth I had to navigate to get anywhere. Mr. X is a
relentless giant of a monster that shows up at the most inopportune
moments of my playthrough, unlike the the Resident evil 2, he is not
that interesting or as memorable in his encounters. I can not recall
him ever hanging from the third floor balcony in order to ambush me.
The real terror is the hunters, which are more deadly, ferocious and
terrifying than ever. That is until I realized they can not pass
through doors, so with a bit of careful positioning, they are
declawed as I stab them with a knife. Figuring out that part was fun.
Too bad there is little or no overlap between Calire Redfield, the
sister of Chris and Leon the rookie coop that came late to his first
day on the job.
Overlapping with
these events there is the story about how Jill from the first game is
trying to escape from the city whilst being hunted by a relentless
nemesis. A rocket launcher armed version of mister X, only with a
more terrifying face. This creature keeps mutating in weird ways as
Jill murder it in increasingly brutal ways. Recently it had a remake
which I have yet to play. Overall it is a fun experience with the
most memorable boss in any horror game to date in my opinion. The
puzzles are much more toned down or the solution is often in the same
room, not to mention that easy mode start the game with an assault
rifle. Jill can also frame dodge if she raises the weapon at the
right moment and various environmental hazards are scattered across
the city, making it a lot more smooth ride. There is some
reputability and a lock of nifty unlocks but its considerably shorter
than the other games. Mostly due to less backtracking and fewer
puzzles. If looking at a projector and then typing the product name
onto a computer is considered one.
Code Veronica X is
the first venture into full 3d with a fantastic new engine and fairly
smooth gameplay, where Claire decided to infiltrate an Umbrella
facility and get caught. From there she has to escape from a crazy
jail filled with the most insane puzzles as of yet. Not because they
are hard, but because they are downright improbable. To summarize one
part of an item chain. The crazy doctor in the jail is found inside a
bodybag which he burst out from during the course of the game. After
I brutally murder this sadistic bastard, I have to take his fake
glass eye and insert it into an anatomy figurine at the complex.
Nothing weird about that right, well think again. This eye open the
door to a secret passage, leading down into a torture room in the
cellar. Down there is a room with many statues, the one in the middle
of the room holds a rusty sword. Once I grab that blade, the room
fills with lethal gas, so I have to rotate the statue to face the a
specific wall before croaking. This reveals an iron maiden on the
wall hidden behind a shield wearing statute. In order to open this
dang torture device the rusty sword is stabbed into a slot. Unlocking
the coffin where a zombie stumble out and decides to attack. For the
most part this game plays very fair, until I have to deal with the
Tyrant yet again, a very reoccurring enemy type in all of these games
and usually the last boss. In code Veronica it is not, it’s more
like a pesky unforgiving and unmovable progress stopper. The first
fight against him is in a small corridor with fires behind the Clair
which he will gladly push her into unless he is shelled hard until he
dies. God forbid I try to run past his meaty meat hooks. Now this
fight is bad enough as it is, but he shows up yet again inside the
cargo room of an airplane where he hes beefy as all hell, got some
new vicious attacks and is almost impossible to fight fair. The thing
the game did not mention to me is that I forgot to pick up three
B.O.W gass rounds from a random shelf that strips his health in half,
making all my weapons a lot more potent in that fight, followed by
launching him out the back door with a cargo crate. This boss is very
bull carp and all the following cut scenes are unskippable, yes
whenever I die I had to load the game and watch various scenes over
again. I rectified this by save stating, since this game is console
only. The last boss was fairly easy to cheese all things considered.
I just had to place my butt then the right top corner and shoot the
pesky ankle biters with my machine guns, then give Alexia several
rounds of magnum to her face and she eventually died. Yes the main
boss is an insane couple of genetically enhanced twins that turned
their father into a test subject for another viral strain of the
Resident Evil virus of the game.
And yes, the true
Resident Evil enemy has stuck again, the ARCHITECT! There must be
something in the drinking water within the world of Biohazard.
Throughout the ages humanity has a bile fascinating with elaborate
machinery and insane feats of construction. If you thought the
Umbrella training facility, the Spencer mansion and the Police
station was bad, then you have not been introduced to the madness
that is not Spain and Resident Evil 4. Leon decided to become a well
trained and skilled bodyguard for the presidents daughter after the
events of Resident Evil 2. Unfortunately she got kidnapped by crazy
parasite infested peasants being pestered by a local lord and a crazy
cult. Naturally it is Leons job to rescue her and kill his way
through the weird world of European architecture and chainsaws.
Unfortunate this is the first game to introduce quicktime events into
the series and there are a ton of press x to not die scenes. The plot
is a lot more silly and very self aware and cranks the action level
up to eleven and made the knife a lot more efficient. Though I do
wonder where he learned that suplexing grown men is a valuable
survival skill. As for the reoccurring theme of insane architecture
there are very few puzzles this time around, but the castle the
villain lives is insane. Not only is it humongous with improbable and
impractical design, from the top there are five more mega castles in
the background and I do not envy anyone wanting to got to work within
this country, let alone live there. Overall a memorable and fun
experience with some nifty new visuals and not taking itself
seriously at all.
Resident Evil 5
Follows the same crazy concept of action, quicktime events and the
introduction of how much this world is nothing like our own. From the
looks of it the bad habit of hurtful, over-sized and impractical
architecture goes back centuries, even African tribes can build
gigantic underground structures with very elaborate puzzles and
moving objects. This game includes coop and even more press button a
lot to not die events on top of a turret sequence, a broken bosses
and cameras taking the attestation away from the action. Plus several
chainsaw enemies as well and even more humongous bosses. Chis got
ripped and is now murdering plague infected African people. Some
might call this a bit racial insensitive, they might be right. But if
anything resident evil is a very egalitarian world, the series cares
very little about gender and almost everyone dies or has brutal death
animations. Overall a good coop experience, with a very bad field of
view and a spruced up minigame with an insane amount of onscreen
enemies on pc.
I’m not entirely
sure where I’m going with this but, I love, loathe and enjoy the
insanity that is the world of Resident Evil.
Zaceron Signing Out
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