Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sins of a father

Curses I got distracted again. There has just been so busy tearing my lot down, in order to build up a fantastic garden on behest of my new neighbors. My father is a good lesson in how a brilliant plan turns to carp, when you halfass it and then proceed to make excuses about time and money. If you have the time to start a building project, you have the time to finish it. Especially when it will generate the money needed. Then again that seems to be his modus operandi, go overboard and never pull trough. Which brings me to the sickeningly hot summer we've got here in land of the nords. I like Sun, I like bading, but it is a terrible temperature to work under. Blistering hot sun, with the sweat running down my face full time, lovely. The hot weather unfortunately make the environment into a fire hazard, where a tiny spark can cause a firestorm.
Regardless, I've been busy with tearing down an dingy old hut, plank by plank and dumping the content into a container. The structure was originally intended to be a chicken coup and for a while it was. We had at least fifteen of them, five ducks and nine noisy peacocks. Until a pesky mink got to them and all slaughtered the whole lot aside from the peacocks whom got released into the wild. Where they was free to annoy everyone with their nasal screams. I have no idea what bird shrieks are called, because it is not chirping. I was not a witness to the massacre though, I was still in China at that point in time. Then again it was interesting to hear what they had to say when I got back. Because I had a wonderful time, unlike my unfaithful father whom knocked up an ex druggie whilst being married. Ingesting times indeed. Anyhow, the building is going down and that takes time and energy I rather use on props and finishing my cosplay. After all, that is my plan. The structure was made of anything he could get his grubby hands on, any plank would do. Therefore I had to bring a sledgehammer, crowbar and a circular saw to the demolition party. I should record more of these things I suppose.


Monday, July 2, 2018

Better NERF it

Better NERF it, both kids and adults enjoy practically harmless foam darts. If not, it's because they've yet to try one. I have never paid a dine in my life for one and now I have an armory of at least thirty ones. Some consider them a waste of space and resources. I see it as a business adventure, two Mondays this summer I was hired to host a small NERF war for around fifteen trigger happy kids.

If you have no idea what a NERF gun is. Either do an internet search or read my short explanation. Because redundant, redundancy is how I roll.

Its a spring loaded or electronic plastic gun that fires small harmless foam darts at low speeds and at stupidly short ranges. They also comes with a slew of useless accessories. The guns ranges from revolvers to rifles and many, many weird ones in between. Its perfectly safe and simple to use and due to being brightly coloured, they will not trigger the police. Unless your neighbor is a total and utterly social reject. Every neighborhood has one of those pesky people, full of hate and spite. Whom gladly spoil everyone's fun, because they are anger and bitter.

I took over responsibility for a cosplay club known as black, because fun with acronyms. Anyhow, earlier this year we had to pack up and move to a new and improved location. Thusly I took over responsibility to store the armory at my place. The previous person who had the club used a big part of the budget to buy a big bulk of NERF guns. The company behind the product line has some very odd ones that's for sure.

NERF guns can be nodded to heck and back, painted, decorated and customized in any imaginable way. Usually it's possible to dismantle them also. I gleefully threw away the junk parts and the problematic extension pieces through. As an example, here is my Warhammer 40k bolt pistol. Which can still shoot and look snazzy at the same time.

Never the less, my plan is to host various events and rent my services to various arrangements. Such as bachelor parties. Hell even the county employees enjoy it every now and then, when they host an office party.

So yeah, two happy  hours of chaos. Split the children into two groups send them to each side of the map and watch the team death match unfold. To spice it up, when shot, you retreat and count to fifteen. Some would say this is a terrible idea. What I say is, it works and everyone gets behind it. After all two hours is a very, very short time and it's an easy rule to follow.
Ironically and annoyingly enough, there was one accident, a child shot another one by accident in the eye at close range when we were done. All fun and games until someone loses an eye.

Carrying a big bag of guns is an interesting experience for sure, have a good one.
