Saturday, May 12, 2018

odd ones in Bergen and the bus

Bergen is a small cozy town with a colorful history, fascinating people and odd architecture. One day I was taking the bus, a man wobbled out of the ride, wearing a big winter jacket, with a huge hood. Where his phone was, which blasted rap at full volume, as he brandished a butterfly knife and a can of beer. He was quite drunk and rowdy to say the least. Knocking at the bus side with his knife, before he angry shambles away like a zombie.

Another oddball was a two meter tall man, a fellow with a unkempt beard, stained yellow with tobacco. He quietly shuffled through the town in his signature blue trench coat, smelling like piss and vinegar. He had a habit of sitting at various bus stops, asking for coin, with a stern voice. He usually spent money on ice cream or more tobacco. When he eventually passed away, there was a big news article about him.

The fact that Bergen has an institution for people with various mental issues and a selection of annoying drug addicts, combined with the relatively small size makes spotting then easy and encountering then just as easily.

Norway is also a very religious land, with a lot of Christians, some more devoted that other. I've seen several scarfed women caring big signs, while preaching abut Jenova or somesuch, the alleged name of god.

For the most part they squat in various parks, l like a collection of dried out corpses, devoid of life, lacking that spark of life. Mostly harmless though, even if they participate in a lot of petty thefts, especially bicycles gets stolen frequently.

Commuting is usually a simple process, unless you live far outside town, then you've got less alternatives and at lest an hour, if not more travel time. While we have a lot of regular buses, some of them will eventually break down at stupid moments, or develop odd quirks. The same holds true for the drivers. The other day I got a very impromptu call from a potential business partner in town. I do dislike on the same day appointments, anyhow the most remarkable thing happened during the ride. The bus started to wail like a bloody whale, flooding the airways with an ear piercing shriek, a series of high pitched noise vibrated through ventilation grid in the roof.

Another bus had water stuck between the double glass, which made for a fascinating effect as it sloshed back and forth along with the acceleration of the bus.

The most notable driver I've ever seen was an elderly man, whos head was spasming all over the plass while driving. He had a steady hand, but his head not so much. Which made everything a tad bit disturbing.

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