Sunday, May 6, 2018

Bad for business bakery

Being a baker has some benefits, but I'm not one so that point is a bit moot. At highschool I went to a course revolving around waiters and cooks. It was an interesting and uplifting experience. But entity l sure why I thought it was a good idea. Probably because someone said that chicks love a good chef. That year was an interesting one, a bit of a train wreck to be honest. I'm truly bad at obsessive studying and performing well at tests. There are two things I really recall quite clearly. One was the very repugnant and pudgy science teacher. She strutted around in a smelly t-shirt, whilst talking in a high pitched voice. She knew her stuff and did her best I suppose. But her body odour and breath was bad. Imagine the smell of compost, mixed with coffee and smelly sweaty arm pits. Mind you this is bad enough, but imagine having her in close proximity as she is helping you with the course work.

As bad as she was, there was this bakery I was to work at for a week to get some practical experience. Next to Puddefjord bridge in Bergen there is a tall, tall industrial office block. A building where many companies resides, among them a bakery near the top floor. For the most part the company made confectionery and sub baguettes. The place had problems and I did something really stupid. Not that stupid, but my delivery could be better though.

The place was anything but pristine. Various baking machine was placed across the floor, with a reception desk by the entrance. The wall opposite of the one with the windows had several long shelves, containing various ingredients and several construction tools in between. Yes this place had seen better days. In the middle of the shelves was a wardrobe with a humongous stack of empty bottles. Every inch was coated in a thin layer of flour. A fine white powder, which also extended to the rest of the location as well. I could practically skid across the floor. In order to store and move great quantities of baked goods about, several practically ancient wheeled shelves where used. Each one was brown by rust and made a horrid screeching sound as the personnel struggled to push it across the floor. The sounds emitted is up there with nails on a blackboard. Several of the floor titles were broken as well, however it was especially bad next to the cargo elevator. Where a crummy old sink was attached to the wall. The floor tiles where practically strained black by an unknown substance and damage which had built up over time. From what I could guess it was a mix of water damage and possible dirt. The various mixing machines had old pieces of dough attached to various rolling pins. The whole place stood out to me as a mockery of good hygiene practices. Would it hurt them to scrape and wash the machinery? Clean up the flour dust? Its only a fire hazzard and I'm sure people love old pieces of dough in their buns.

The stupid thing I did was to write a report, which I left out in the open. Which a disgruntled employee decided to read. But as we all know, humans hate criticism, especially from the new guy.
This is unacceptable he said as he threw my carefully penned paper into the rubbish bin. I got fired on the third day and my teacher was anything but pleased. Maybe I should have waited a couple of days before dropping the bomb, never the less, there was practically no consequences for me. Not a bad outcome I'd say, since it makes for a slightly interesting story.


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