Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Black Monday 28.08.2017

Black Monday 28.08.2017

On the wings of mercy. Mercy is cool, chill sexy and all around nice looking. If you look away for her unnatural posture on the in-game models. Where her butt is pused outwards along with her chest. Causing some odd and painful spine bending. None the less I intend to make her outfit work on a lovely little lady friend of mine...somehow. I all likely hood I’ll have to shrink the wings to make them less shoulder pain inducing and less of an annoying door stopper. It is very likely that you’ll never be able to sit on anything besides an ottoman non the less. Naturally the wings also needs to be removable.

All things have to start somewhere. As you can see here I started to cut into a chest plate, from this odd white plastic figurine. Which incidentally is also a very nice thing to attach to the wall and cover in concrete. I’m sure new tenants and unknowing guest will like the addition to the wall and totally not call the police. Then again, people are weird enough as it is. Yes, I am not entirely sure I can be considered normal no more, not that I have ever been in the first place. Since I grew up with a serious lack of self esteem and spent a lot of time avoiding female company. Mostly because I tried to avoid giving people picking on me fuel and most girls only have love, marriage and kids on their mind. Unlike me who is way too fond of games. When and where I grew up,. No one girls cared for games, costumes. Quite frankly I have no idea what they did for fun, but it was not through electronic devices. But hey, that’s just me rambling

So let’s crack on then shall we? I came to the conclusion that the top piece is a solid chest plate, going over the breasts, which then is tied into some sort of white cloth or such that is clearly flexible. That is held in place by strops, much like a corset. With the wings working as a backpack, which is connected to the chest plate, where the strops to distribute the weight are hidden under the surface and over the black cloth.

My first attempt at the wings will be in cardboard, since its cheap and I have a metric ton of it laying about, after ordering a new kitchen bench from Ikea.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Many Plans

Lately I’ve been streaming a lot and the goal at the moment is to become Twitch affiliated and make streaming much more like a full time job. At the moment I switch between several games and new releases, cosplay related projects and a lot of drawing. There is a surprisingly big amount of people who want my artistic services. Which I’m happy about and if anyone throw a good idea my way, I might just do it. Adult or otherwise. That being said, I will stream a lot of safe for work stuff. Such as my quite lovely and growing collection of Poros, those cute fuzzballs from the game League of Legends. It is a ball of fur, with two round black eyes and a huge red tongue. The perfect recipe for a mascot and a fluffy plushie. A fellow streamer sometime around Christmas last year put up a challenge, draw me Sailormoon Poros. Everyone said it was too hard! Let me tell you this, it’s the most easy thing in the world to do. Because I’m a professional. Behold the very cute Neptune juggling a jar full of sweet loot. 

I also felt like it was time to make myself some emoticons. Therefor I decided to make a quite fantastic poro animation, that still require some work. Stay tuned for that. It is a work in progress.

For the cosplay section I have a freind that is also a quite beautiful girl, whom love Overwatch. Which wants to dress up as Mercy, naturally I will help with this edavor. There are several challanges involved. Such as the backback with the wings. The overly long staff and her pea shooter. Yet that’s the easy part. Her chest plate that covers her breasts is clearly flexible, yet it is not fabric. Now that is the hard part and her halo like headgear.

Some time in October I will participate in an event called Regncon in Bergen, where I plan to hold a cosplay workshop. I’m not entierly sure about what I will have the participants make. Since I have to provide the materials myself. I suppose the whole «cult» theme is something to capitalize on and the fact that the convention is built around tabletop gaming. I can and I will in all likelyhood teach the folk whom attend, how to make larp sacrifice daggers. Since those are cheap to produce and require almost no resources.

Eventually I will also complete my game design document so I can start making my vision come to life. 

Write a book that takes place in the game universe and do a very valid effort at updating my comics. I'm lagging behind on those. Trust me they are harder to make than you'd think. 

In other words, stay awesome and stay tuned for more.


