thing is for sure though, working with iron and a hammer is quite fun
and satisfying. It comes highly recommended. After all learning a
craft is a nifty life skill. Especially when dealing with IKEA
furniture and other things that has to stay attached to a surface.
The next step is clear to me. I just have to complete my forge and
get myself an anvil. A nifty tool of iron, that would have made my
cuff a lot more refined. It’s a seriously tricky process to hammer
a sheet of metal into a desirable shape with only logs to help and no
heat. According to my father there is an old saying. Blacksmiths
working without heat goes to Heaven, while those that have a forge
goes to hell. Essentially I put the metal sheet on top of a log and
start bending it with pliers and hitting it hard with a hammer.
Surprisingly effective all things considered. About the only thing
not made by me is the bolts, the plastic chain and the bauble. Making
rudimentary hinges is not that hard it seems. Nor creating loops to
pass the chain through.

I also did some more on the Reaper shotgun. It’s a fascinating
thing, with a lot of details. Which I figured I could make with clay
and melting the pattern with a soldering iron. It releases dank fumes
and I’m probably better of with a sharp knife. The trigger guard is
mostly made by assemnbling cardboard parts cut to the right size.
#reaper #cospaly #ballnchain #cuffs #shotgun #bdsm
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