Monday, April 24, 2017

Update 24.04.2017

Games, games and more gaming and photshop. Because I have a game in the works. Plus I’ve made more game videos uploaded to The other reason I’ve been doing less cosplay the last week is also due to painting the living room white. Also why I have not been using the greenscreen effect while streaming.

Other things I’ve been doing is to clean up some plastic in nature, by carrying around a plastic bag, when going for a stroll. It’s the small things after all. I’ve come to the conclusion that if the political climate can change, so can the environment. Besides that I hate living with thrash and pollution regardless. After spending time in Beijing’s horrid air pollution I can say one thing. I don’t miss it one bit.

As I was saying, I’ve started to work on a game project, where I’m in the process of writing the design document and making a collection of weekly waifus on my Patreon account. Drawing lovely monster ladies is a fun past time and will also build the foundation for my in game characters. Stau tuned for more.

Greenscreens is a relatively simple thing to set up. Especially in obs, as there is a chroma kye filter. Hand up a bright canvas behind the gaming chair. Like a bright green piece of cloth, have some good lighting and wear a color that is not the same as the fabric. You can also probably go to the local paint factory/ store and have them mix up a green or blue concoction to paint on a surface.

I also spent money on upgrading my PC, but to tax returns I will probably eat a little bit less this month and the next one. Oh well, time to bake bread. 


Saturday, April 15, 2017

Cold Steel

This is a boomstick, there are many like it and more will come. Great progress is achieved on the cosplay props front. Not only did I hammer out ball and chain cuffs for the foot. I also managed to upload a new video and updated my waifu collection on Patreon. Happy fun times all around. The cuff was created from an iron plate I cut into appropriate pieces and went to town with a mallet. The ultimate solution for any problem. A hammer is a fantastic stalemate breaker when some deluded fool only think there exist two choices. Unexpected results will occur, but results non the less. Some precaution is recommended. 

One thing is for sure though, working with iron and a hammer is quite fun and satisfying. It comes highly recommended. After all learning a craft is a nifty life skill. Especially when dealing with IKEA furniture and other things that has to stay attached to a surface. The next step is clear to me. I just have to complete my forge and get myself an anvil. A nifty tool of iron, that would have made my cuff a lot more refined. It’s a seriously tricky process to hammer a sheet of metal into a desirable shape with only logs to help and no heat. According to my father there is an old saying. Blacksmiths working without heat goes to Heaven, while those that have a forge goes to hell. Essentially I put the metal sheet on top of a log and start bending it with pliers and hitting it hard with a hammer. Surprisingly effective all things considered. About the only thing not made by me is the bolts, the plastic chain and the bauble. Making rudimentary hinges is not that hard it seems. Nor creating loops to pass the chain through.

Meanwhile I also did some more on the Reaper shotgun. It’s a fascinating thing, with a lot of details. Which I figured I could make with clay and melting the pattern with a soldering iron. It releases dank fumes and I’m probably better of with a sharp knife. The trigger guard is mostly made by assemnbling cardboard parts cut to the right size. #reaper #cospaly #ballnchain #cuffs #shotgun #bdsm


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Video editing 404 07.14.2017

Today was spent on editing a synopsis video of my lovely and slightly off putting Easter eggs. That video went from eight hours of stream, into a less than ten minutes long clip show, with voice over explain some of the process and choices. Much like my blog updates. I have not edited much if any video before and it shows. Especially in my get ripped with Dark Souls video. Where I though everything was to scale. Guess what, it was not. Apparently selecting the whole track and selecting scale to frame, failed me. Leaving half the video in the wrong scale. I have fixed it now though. But you tube is not capable of replacing a video. Only to re-upload it, onto a new url. Which is a bit annoying, but understandable and his been that since the beginning. After all we can’t have people replacing one video with another one. Yet cutting parts and basic editing is totally acceptable. I swear that I did check the content before I clicked publish. It did not occur to me to check a second time. However a more correct version is up. It is a first time for everything. Friday will be a problem indeed, since I will have little or no time to stream. I have to deal with a sim card delivery and a feedback meeting about the Nordic academy of sorcery larp. Where I will present my lovely and totally not bdsm useable cuffs. In all likelihood I will also get a system upgrade this weekend and stream some gameplay. I have also made a deal with a musician and this is the logo we agreed on. Look forward to his music. Enok Groven is apparently quite well known.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

What’s your kink love? 04.04.2017

What’s your kink love?

My fantastic plan was to work on the El Blanco reaper shotgun. However I did not expect the chain linked cuss to take so much time. I’m still not done and I need to collect some more material. But for some insufferable reasons the nuts and bolts comes in packages of ten. I clearly need to buy in bulk. Never the less I did make some cuffs from parts found at Jula.

In recent years the rather terrible written and executed Fifty shades became quite popular. Despite being mediocre at best. In that regard one could consider this part on of making a bondage dungeon or to spice up the bedroom play time. Though the real reason for making them, was a discussion about what to do with future installments of the Nordic Source Academy larp. We have had way too many demon and monster attacks. Which led to a distinct lack of friendly monsters. Not to mention the accusations at the end of the game, when someone has committed an alleged crime. In other words, it looks a lot more awesome to bring the guilty one into the min hall, wearing chains. Preferably with a big padlock. I had to settle for plastic ones as they are easier to work with and that I had several metes at hand.

The contraption is easy to construct, but it can take a bit of time. It’s composed of items bought from a hardware store here in Bergen. It is very much the same as Wallmart, only Swedish and with a heavy focus on hardware.

The cuffs themselves are made from plastic pipes cut haphazardly in half. Punctured with several holes. Where a hing has been screwed on with nuts and bolts. The piece holding the chain in place I made from a metal plate I cut to size and punctured. Just to get a bolt size hole. Then I polished the metal and painted it gold and sanded down the pipe and went for a black primer.

I have yet to actually create the lock mechanism, but I have some ideas. Keep in mind though. The cuffs themselves are very easy to escape and break. It’s purely intended as visual fluff and fun.
#larp #harrypotter #prisioner #cuffs #king #fiftyshades #handcuffs