Sunday, July 17, 2022

Hollywood be boring

 Opinion Hollywood is boring

Hello you wonderful people, my name is njål and I like some good entertainment. Now that is one thing the American entertainment industry is failing at these days. Yes, I dare say that Hollywood is boring, bland and a bit like eating oats without any added flavor. Sure I can eat it, but it has no tangible taste worth mentioning. The lack of color alone make the very products that are produced unappealing. Would it hurt them to be a bit more vibrant and actually use the while palette? Somehow even a vibrant green jungle is brown and bland. The lack of saturation itself is bad enough, but something that I can tolerate. However, when they start adapting various franchises and do it badly, that is where I drop out, or use the content to make cheap entertainment, while complaining about the quality. Either way, it will work out in my favor in the end. Anyhow, let's dig up some examples.

 HALO the horrible show about master cheeks, that annoying teenager and the macguffin. Springs to mind, not only does it ignore the games, not only does it look like dirt on a canvas, it fails to entertain me. Just like that piss poor excuse for a zombie survival horror know as resident evil. A show that is grudgingly dull to watch, even at an increased speed. Sure the actors does a serviceable job, the story itself does neither enthral, not entice me. Unlike the first movie, despite being a bit wonky.

The list of bad adaptations made in the land of the spread eagle is impressively disappointing. No wonder I enjoy anime and flicks like RRR, Bollywood is just more entertaining.

That is all Really, until next time, be seeing you.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Blueberry season

 I'm in Norway and there is a saying here. Are you completely on a beerytrip?

A hard to translate phrase that means you are lost. Which is not always a bad thing mind you. I do believe the expression comes from  the idea that when you are in the middle of nowhere, you are lost, and you know this because delicious berries grow in the wild.

In Scandinavia there are several kinds to be found throughout the summer and in the autumn. 

My favorite of the wild ones are blueberries, these delicious blue spheres are abundant where it is wet and sparsely populated with trees. 

Then there is the lovely mulberries, these black made from tiny balls stuck together grows from some long reaching thorny plants very late autumn.

Red Raspberries are fairly similar to the entry above, only red and a bit more sour. These can be cultivated and grow wild and free. The plants are more than a meter tall and will most likely continue to expand every year. There are at least three kinds. Some long ones that climb a lot, yellow ones and the more spherical ones. Which all taste different.

Wild strawberries are very tasty as well. Even if they are incredibly tiny compared to cultivated ones bought in stores.

I quite enjoy strawberries though, and the plant itself spreads like weed if given the chance. As long as bees, and bumblebees work on those flowers all spring and early summer, the harvest will be fairly bountiful.

These all organic and natural goodies can be turned into a lot of delicious food and be stored in the fridge.

Jam is a true and tested recipe. Same van be said for lemonade, pie, or in a bowl with vanilla sauce.

Many options, all of them tasty, unless you pick salt instead of sugar. Something I will not do again.

Njål #Zaceron signing out