Sunday, January 24, 2021

Streaming, The bad, the weird, the spam

Streaming is a very interesting and daunting prospects and few actually makes it. Personally I've been trying very hard, but I've yet to succeed. However that is not the topic this time around. People, let's talk about people, if these so called viewers can be called that. Cost of the people dropping by are nice, kind and interesting. The kind I want to keep around. Every now and then I get greeted by some truly heinous cretins. The kind I can only assume kick puppets and pulls the wings off flies.

One of the earlier streams I had was one where I worked on a cosplay prop. Nothing unusual there, but then a random stranger dropped by and wanted me to cut myself with my knife. Yes, some bell-ends will ask for such things.

Then there was this decapitated butt hole that started off throwing insult, after insult. A ceaseless discharge of rude statements. Needles to say I banned him and slagged him off like the kitchen refuse he was.

Some gets their kicks from finding ways to have me say racial slurs out loud, through obfuscation. Something i will not do. Not only is it rude, but it is against human decency and the terms of service. I will not go out of my way to have my service agreement terminated.

One of these peons opened up with a follow, which is always nice and welcome. Then he proceeded  to call me a dirty old man and several other, gendered insults. I'm certainly not a dom, let alone a sub.

However most of the people joining are simply spam accounts. Which try to sell me a service. The gall of these throw way accounts. Want to become famous vista our scummy page and buy fame, with your hard earned fortune.

Not everyone is rude though, some are just weird. I am pretty sure that one user I had on for a while was not being brat up by his father.

A ruddy shame that erotica of any sort is ground for being suspended, some people really like those double meaning innuendos. 

A lot of these curious creatures and cretins could easily be solved by simply having a verification needed to join. This might have the unintended effect of excluding children. But I'm not convinced teenagers should spend all day on twitch. Which makes me a bit of a hypocrite. Regardless there really need to be a system in place that needs out non human accounts. It would help a lot, especially on YouTube and twitter. Because on virtually all of these social media platforms creating an account is free, and only require a throw away email address and fake credentials. Which can be acquired easily at no cost at all.

My point is this don't be an anonymous dick that says things which most people would punch you in the face for.

Njål signing out.

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