Saturday, October 24, 2020

Ranked games are rotten in League of Legends


I have played a lot of League of Legends lately. An unhealthy amount some might say, but that is besides the point. There is something very irritating I have encountered that I simply cant do any thing about since I'm not good enough to hard carry in low elo. In a ranked game the player picks the  roles and depending on which one I want to main, the que timer can take anything from two minutes to more than ten. Then comes the ban and pick phase, which also takes an irritating amount of time. If someone leaves during this the whole process starts over again. Also to balance the insanity out, you will eventually be auto filled despite it being locked. Once past this sequence there is the actual loading screen, which takes several minutes, because there is always someone with connectivity issues. But in most cases people play on a potato run by a half dead gerbil, aside from the times the game itself shafts a player. Unfortunately I encounter these folk every third dame or so it seems.

One of the most preferred roles is mid and due to autofill, there is always someone begging like a baby to get the role, despite me waiting for many minutes to get the role. Support is not the worst, unless you count incompetent leaning partners. I almost exclusively run across dead beat ad carries that cant dodge any skill shots. The fact that the marksmen has been severely gimped this season does not help. The rest of the lanes are just irritating or, no waith, their just irritating.

Now the points above is bad enough in my eyes, however the real butt clincher is the general skill of players. Who are suspiciously incompetent to the point of being worse than bots. I'm not one to believe in conspiracy theories, despite how endlessly entertaining they are. But back to my point, these foolish mortals are bad. Like really really bad, sure I'm not the best one versus nine player out there, but when my entire team is worse than me, now that is where my issue starts. I'm simply incapable of hard carrying in ranked and every match has been a loss. I started at iron, clawed my way up to bronze one. But then everything went sideways and I'm now at bronze three and falling like a stone. Yes, waiting over then minutes, to play a fourth five minutes long match just isn't worth it anymore. Yes I'm complaining a lot and with good reasons, becuase this issue seems to be exclusively a ranked thing. Becuase I generally win normal games and ultra rapid fire. Aram is gambling as usual ang can go in any direction, despite being one straight line. So something is quite clearly rotten in ranked games and I'm tired of the smell.

Zaceron Signing out.

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