Sunday, July 5, 2020

Delete Master Yi

Some hate Teemo, some hate Katarina, I seldom hate, but I'll make an exception for master Yi in League of Legends. A game I have played for a long time and will not likely be stopping anytime soon. Within the game roster there are several hundred to pick from and they come in many shapes and sizes. Some have a high skill dealing, others have none. Like the yellow multi lense helmet wearing sword boy known as Yi. His main skill is to cut things with a sword many times, followed by becoming untargetable, while zipping between 5 enemies. The unremarkable meditation that increases his armor, turns him immobile and returns some health, which often saves him from a certain death. Lastly there is highlander, which makes him run really, really fast, while being immune to slow. 
The problem with this skillset is that it is very boring and requires very little skill to use. Which means that a bad Yi, the most common kind runs into the enemy, spam keys then die. Tower dive at level one, then expire. Run into a team of five, then croak, or a decent one, the type to pentakill my whole team. Yes, Yi will either feast or famine. The really big challenge with this character is that the simple kit makes the player feel empowered, brave and full of suicidal overconfidence. A slow and insidious killer, which only works because no one brought any kind of stun, snare, taunt, or any other ability that actually stops him dead in his tracks. Yes I dare say that from iron to gold, people are too incompetent to actually stop a fast running man from gutting them alive. Especially in a team fight where he can clean everyone's clock by spamming q, until he can use e again, becoming untargetable. Mind you he can still die from indirect damage and damage over time, but this is so rare that it is a moot point. At this point when I play ranked badly, I have to ban either Yi or Yasuo to have a decent chance at victory, due to everyone being to dumb to live. So, yes I hate Yi, and now you know why and because I'm online I have a perfect place to vent, while practicing my writing skills. Feel free to check out my fantasy s story that I update monthly as well. I try my best to edit it, but I still mess up the grammar here and there
Have a good day.
Zaceron signing out

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