Monday, April 30, 2018

Beijing on a Bicycle part 2

The summer palace was another interesting journey I went on while riding a bike in a random direction for fun. Because that is a thing I just do, explore, take pictures and have a great time. There are two places to visit when going there, first is a red leisure building. With a big open lot right after the gate, where my bike was totally out of place but had the whole are to itself. Further inside the lot I came to a red temple like building with a lovely koi carp pound with hanging weeping willows touching the surface. In front of the pool they serve tea, at a very steep price. I dare say its the most expensive cup of chamomile tea I have ever had in my life. It tasted okay, but in the end it was a regular cup of tea with refill. The establishment also allowed tourist to pay to pay for carp food, to feed the inhabitants of the pool with. At one point or another a family dropped by and the kids got a bit rowdy with the fishes it seemed and the mother somehow caught one with her hand when the staff was distracted. 

The fish died, though and she just quietly slipped it back into the water belly up. Unfortunately they did not like the idea of taking pictures inside the leisure hall so I have none of that. From what I can gather it was intended as a tea and scenery location, where the lord could paint or write poetry. I did not inquire too deeply into the purpose of such a lavish building. Another notable construct nearby is the stone boat which probably don’t float. This one is a case of you can watch but not touch. Not that the gray worn out building gave the impression of safe place to be. Then again it seems like most traveling people in china does take a lot of stupid risks here and there. Such as the man regarding the stone fence. 

While cycling along rural roads I also encountered seemingly mundane and ultimately forgotten thing very few will ever notice. Such as the wild growing cucumber hanging from a branch, or a tiny cramped cart with poultry. At one point I even found a Venus from Milo knockoff sculpture in the middle of an overgrown intersection, next to a traffic mirror. I get the distinct impression that maintenance is not very high on the list and thing just happens here and there and no one cares. This is especially true with some of the broken houses I bypass. Where its obvious that people live, but the walls are missing and the fence is just stacked bricks.

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