Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Something different

An absolutely fantastic day if I say so myself. It was a rough night getting over hunger induced headache. The trick is regular snacks and sleep. After watching some religious zealots getting thoroughly slammed with logic. I dragged myself from the bed and for dressed. Eventually I got to the bus stop, only to realize that I forgot the bag I was going to deliver. With only five minutes to go I ran like the wind back down the man murdering steep hill and up again. It's an interesting feeling to be gaping for air, while the spleen works overtime. The telltale sign of being in very bad shape. Half way to town, some shady fellows in thick coats entered the ride. One was dressed like a hacker, with a cap on his head. He plopped down into a a seat, taking a swig from a water bottle, before he started waking towards the back of the bus. It was a surprise ticke t control, good thing I had paid. The first goal was to deliver one half of the Mercy costume to my beautiful blonde apprentice, in the art of cosplay. After a solid hug, I went elsewhere to meet with a friend of mine known as Enok, a man that is a model, reality star and viking to the max. With long flowing hair and a long beard. He has that nordic air about him, always dressed like he's going somewhere, with a trusty dolk at his side. Together we have several plans in the making. Including a video series about Bergen, a bite sized Bergen. We got greeted by one of the true personalities of the town. A very loud and round man, sitting by a cafe enjoying coffee and smoke. He wore a green beret, with sine few tufts v of white hair poking out at the side. Around his neck he wore a shiny handkerchief with a lot of color. Under his jacket he wore a white crumpled shirt, with yellow edges around the neck. Apparently he does theater, doll theater and instruct people in the art of making theater puppets. The perfect hearthy personality I just need to catch on camera, while he's still around. After all what is a town withoutpeople?
Eventually we sauntered of to a store that specialize in ecological products. Expressive but tasty non the less. Visiting Kinsarvik was a fun experience, since he came for an ecological apple and left with twenty chocolate bars, witch had all conveniently expired. Still good though, especially at half price.
After a long and interesting conversation, we sat down at a hotel bar, with a very nice glass painting ceiling that kept changing color. There we talked about the logo design for his nordic themed album, from a small indie band known as Rafnborg. It's very melodic and makes for some interesting ambience. We even worked out a custom rune font. But thats it for now. Onwards to tacos.


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