and salutations, it is time for another stream update report. Lately
I’ve been spending considerable time on various games. Such as
unlocking stuff in Overwatch. I just had to get the officer Dv.a
skin. For some insufferable reason America got it first. Naturally I
just switched over to those servers instead. By definition it is
cancer mode, everyone and their mother was shouting add me in the
chat. Not only that people are carp, especially since everyone is lov
level as well. Progress does not carry over. Slow loading time and
people disconnecting is to be expected and they will be replaced with
a retarded AI, which is likely to be better then the AFK player. The
poor little sod has a habit of sauntering of minding it’s own
business. Failing to use any meaningful abilities and recall when at
full health. SO to say business as usual.

As for
my El Blanco Reaper shotgun virtually all of the important elements
are in place. I had to look up the actual model within the hero
gallery, in order to get the details right. The bottom of the gun now
resemble the actual model. The smart thing is to paint all the parts
separately and then assemble them. But that does not work all the
time and will make the process of painting painfully annoying. Colors
bleeding over is a real annoying and real problem when I crave pixel
perfect precision. Aside from that though, everything is good.
Meanwhile I have some reservation about how well my flour, salt,
water and glue dough will act when dry. If it drys that is.
Essentially I molded the roses with air dried clay, that I coated
with glue. Since without it the mixture started to crack, crackle and
dry up. That being said though, this troll dough is excellent to
entertain children with and can be baked in the over and then coated
in paint. It’s not recommended to eat it, sice the salt makes it
rather unpleasant.
1 cup
1 cup
2 cup
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