May, the Norwegian independence day. It comes around every year and
is wildly celebrated by people form all over the country. Mostly by
walking as a huge group waving flags. It’s also the perfect
opportunity to advertise clubs and everything in-between, from bikes,
old mobiles, Vikings and kilts. There are very few limits. Naturally
I went in my Reaper cosplay, minus the guns. I don’t trust people
and their ideas of what is considered a terrorist threat. I have
spent way too much time and effort on them to let them be confiscated
by a man in blue. It was bad enough that a constable was concerned
about my spice bottle grenades. Yes I got stopped. Right after that I
was stopped by some reporters as well. Some fellow with the worst
hand writing I’ve ever seen. Which is saying something, I have
worked with children.
I came
across a couple of annoying things I might just have solved by now.
First of all the grenades kept falling out and was very hard to glue
in place. The second issue I had was the ammo belt, which was made
with screws and ductape. That was not very smart. However the
solution came to me today. I just used a more stretchy black fabric
to make the loop and instead of short screws I used bolts, with a nut
on the end.
other thing I spent a lot of time on, while streaming was to assemble
new hoops and fixing the paint job on my guns, which looks fantastic
by the way, if I do say so myself.