people I followed on Youtube talked a lot about the new She-Ra show
and the public reception, so naturally I got this morbid curiosity to
seek out the show to see it for myself. I'm a sucker for animated
show and greatly enjoy studying the various techniques used and the
imaginative yet silly stories. This is just some of my subjective
opinions on She-Ra overall.
She-Ra is a decades old animated show that followed the adventures of said hero, as she fights the evil horde with a colorful team of misfits and comic relief characters, where almost all episodes returned to status quo at the end and nothing changed. And the titular character turned into a tall woman in a short skirt and high heels. Whom is very confident, quite clever and very strong, but at times a bit too perfect. The dialogue was very bad and the scene transitions awkward and jarring, but there was a lot of good ideas and interesting designs to go around. Shows from this period had a very morbid fascination with including cowardly and wacky sidekicks. Enjoyable but dang those sound effects and voices can be really terrible.
The new
Netflix She-Ra show re imagines the old show with a bit more body
type variation and a much more streamlined plot that follows a red
thread. Where a magical sword turns the hero into a powerhouse. This
time around She-Ra wears a much more modest costume, which still
offers no proper protection, but sports a set of silly shoulder pads.
A common common issue with almost all heroic characters, they never
wear any sort of armor. One thing that really stood out to me is that
the scenery looks fabulous most of the time. It’s very entertaining
for the most part, but also painfully annoying at other parts.
like most grownups have died due to a battle that went badly, thus
the princesses are in power, even though they technically are queens
at this point. The horde trains useless child soldiers and have no
proper plans for anything and is very incompetent. The heroes are
very good at doing the right thing in a very bad way and puts
themselves in stupid situations. If not for the child friendly nature
pf the plot, most of the cast would have been dead or dying at this
point. Their interaction is lovely and all and brings a lot of life
to the show and is less awkward than then the predecessor, it's also
painfully cliche, in a way that hurts. Two childhood friends are
trained to be soldiers in the hordes army, until Adora finds a
magical sword in the forest, which turn her into She-Ra and learn how
terrible and evil the horde actually is. Which causes a rift between
her at Catra, due to some manipulation and poor communication skills.
A major overarching theme is that the heroes suck at talking to other
people. Which is a very common issue in much of animated media.
has been a lot of noise on twitter about the show, various sites
carping on fans and a lot of silly arguments to go around. To me it’s
always amusing when someone calls the old show bad, but never saw an
episode. Or how someone is impressed with the diversity of the new
show, even if the old show had some elements of that as well. Even if
most characters had that perfect super hero hourglass copy paste
figure. I can at least admit that both shows while entertaining in
its own right I’m not the target audience and that nostalgia is not
a good quality indicator. The other thing I take away from the series
is that the outrage mob is dangerously biased, absolutely hilarious
and better written than these shows.